In today’s realities, business marketing and planning is relevant for all areas of business, especially for small and medium enterprises. Many businessmen are wondering how to properly optimize and set up their business for maximum efficiency.


In the article, we consider step-by-step instructions for business management of small and medium-sized businesses in the early stages of development.


In the current economic conditions, the key to the success of any commercial enterprise is the detailed development of a marketing strategy. This is an important condition for the success of your company. The basis of the strategy will be the definition of goals, the choice of tools and resources. Methods of business development and promotion are selected based on priorities and financial capabilities. In our article, we will talk about marketing ways to develop a business that are relevant in 2023.

For an entrepreneur, marketing is the foundation and the main tool for promoting a business. And the main task of successful marketing is not just making a profit, but increasing the profit growth rate for the enterprise by creating additional value and optimizing production and sales costs. To do this, resources are used, additional value is artificially created for the consumer based on a thorough study of information about the market and competitors.


The main purposes of selling services and goods are:


  • purchase frequency, ie. goods should be bought more often;
  • quantity of sales, ie. more goods should be sold;
  • creation of additional value, ie. increasing the value of the product for the customer;
  • reducing costs and optimizing business processes to reduce the cost of goods or services.



The role of marketing in the economy of any commercial enterprise is as follows:


  1. Marketing research, analysis of a product or service, studying the consumer’s request;
  2. Research and forecast of market development, including the sales market.
  3. Development of competition methods.
  4. Exploring potential opportunities for production and business scaling.
  5. Development of the enterprise optimal commodity policy, including the system of distribution. Or the optimal delivery of services for the consumer.
  6. Implementation of methods and mechanisms to stimulate consumer demand.

Business development and marketing


Marketing is the sale of goods and services to satisfy a customer’s request.

Commodity policy

Product policy principles focus on the following questions: What products do customers want? What should the product look like? What quality should it be and for whom is it intended?

The main points of the commodity policy:

  • goods and their rage;
  • trade mark/brand;
  • package;
  • guarantee and service maintenance;
  • additional services.


Price policy

Marketers determine the range of prices for a product: from the minimum, which only covers the costs of the manufacturer / seller, and the maximum, which the buyer is willing to pay. The goal of success in the market is to create the maximum price by increasing the value of the product for the customer.

Instruments in the pricing policy:

  • price formation
  • price strategy
  • discounts, promotions, bonuses.

Communication policy

We are talking about the promotion of goods / services, as a set of actions aimed at informing potential buyers and stimulating them to buy.

 The main directions of the promotion policy are:

  • creation of a positive image of the company/product;
  • increasing the degree of trust in the company / product;
  • purchase promotion;
  • advertising;
  • personal sales;
  • direct marketing.

You need to follow the path of business optimization from complex to simple. Any business can be built along the path of the most optimal implementation of the model and minimal costs. Before allocating large amounts of money for advertising, make sure that your business is communicating effectively and that all business processes are well-organized.


The first thing you need to pay attention to – as indicated in the article above – is a product or service. Focus on the product you are selling. Study the demand of buyers for this niche. Check the availability of this product with other sellers. The less the availability of a product, the greater its exclusivity. Also make sure the presentation of your product is informative, professional and beautiful.

If here you are confident in your product, then you can move on.

The right pricing is what makes your business successful. The price should be reasonable enough for the buyer and sufficient to meet all the spending requests for your business. When pricing, you need to take into account the long-term planning of your production and business, all advertising costs and the costs of inflation and changes in the exchange rate, in any country. In the best model, one should create a long-term plan for price changes in a changing world.


Communication is the main instrument of interaction with the client. Through it, you have the opportunity to get all the necessary knowledge for an excellent sale, take into account all the requests and scenarios of the client’s behavior. Communication begins from the moment when a potential buyer enters “some service” into the search engine and starts looking for this or that product, and even from that moment everything is in your hands. It is necessary to use services for studying demand in search engines, website analytics, time and routes of behavior on the site, clicks and filling out forms on the site. Feedback, reviews, answers to questions also play a very important role in doing business.